Video Pool Media Arts Centre & Actual Contemporary present
The Age of Catastrophe
13 November – 12 December 2015
at Actual Contemporary/ 300 Ross Avenue
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 12 – 5

2015 | Photographic emulsion on canvas, laser cut birch and beam-splitting mirrors
One must enter the catastrophe to reap its benefits without suffering its drawbacks. You cannot prohibit the catastrophe, you must surf it. – Paul Virilio
Artists include: Kelly Jaclynn Andres (Montreal); Rick Fisher & Don Rice (Winnipeg); Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (Montreal); Andrew John Milne (Winnipeg); Catherine Richards (Ottawa); Kelly Richardson (Newcastle, UK); David Rokeby (Toronto); Michelle Teran (Berlin); Paul Thomas (Sydney); Jane Tingley (Waterloo); Bill Vorn (Montreal)
Exhibition Reception: Friday, November 13, 2015 7pm-10pm, Actual Contemporary
Public Symposium: Catastrophe, Cataclysm and the Singular Accident November 15, 2015 / Winnipeg Cinematheque / 100 Arthur Street
For information please contact,